The output of light and heat of the Sun requires that some 600 million tons of hydrogen be converted into helium in the Sun every second. 太阳所产生的光和热需要每秒将六亿吨氢转化为氦。
Secretary of State John Kerry toured a factory in Beijing Saturday and announced a new joint partnership with China to work on curbing emissions and output of greenhouse gases that trap solar heat in the atmosphere. 美国国务卿约翰克里周六参观了北京一家工厂,宣称将与中国就减少能够俘获太阳能的温室气体向大气排放的事宜开启新的合作伙伴关系。
Especially, the stability of system working in the maximum power output is independent of the heat leak. 特别是在最大功率下,热漏对系统的稳定性没有影响。
Production practice in raising steam output of residual heat boiler of No.3 Sintering Plant of WISCO 提高武钢三烧余热锅炉蒸汽产量的生产实践
A Technology for Upgrading the Output of the Chain-grate Boiler Research on Flow and Heat Transfer of Slag Film in Gasifier With Liquid Slag-removal Process 一种提高链条炉排锅炉出力的技术改造工艺液态排渣煤气化炉炉内灰渣的流动和换热研究
It is shown that the work output of a Brayton heat engine working with ideal Bose gases is greater that of a classical Brayton cycle and the quantum degeneracy of the gas does not affect the efficiency of the cycle. 结果表明,以理想玻色气体为工质的布雷顿热机的输出功比以理想气体为工质的大,而热机效率不受量子简并性的影响。
The formulas of amplitude ratio and phase difference between temperature output and temperature input of the global shell heat conduction system were achieved using heat conduction transfer function, and the variance tendencies of amplitude ratio and phase difference versus radius and frequency were analyzed. 通过导热传递函数求得了一个具体球壳体系统温度输出与温度激励的振幅比和相位差的表达式,并由此分析了该系统振幅比和相位差随半径以及温度激励频率的变化规律。
The influences of variation of compressor rotation speed on refrigerating output and heating output of gas engine heat pump and on input power of compressor are analyzed. 分析了压缩机转速变化对燃气机热泵制冷量、制热量及压缩机输入功率的影响。
The result of analysis states that this system can not only save energy, but also increase the output of electricity of Heat and Power Plant and protect environment. 通过调查和计算,将热、电、冷联产与热电和冷量分供系统加以比较,表明该系统不但可节能,而且具有增加电能生产和保护环境的效益。
The relations between power output and efficiency and the effect of heat leak and other parameters on the performance of the combined cycle were analyzed by detailed numerical examples. 同时由数值计算分析了热漏等循环参数对循环性能的影响,以及循环功率与效率间的关系。
In researching the method for temperature measurement at transformational superplastic fast thermal cycles, the infra-red brightness temperature measurement instrument was employed. By amplifying its output of temperature signals, the transformations heat effect can be clearly shown at the temperature-time curve. 在相变超塑性快速热循环的温度测量方法研究中,本文选用红外亮度测温仪,将所输出的温度信号进行线性放大,使相变热效应现象在温度-时间曲线上得到明显的显示。
With successful operation of this automation system, the output of roller hearth heat treatment furnace has exceeded design value. 这套控制系统顺利调试投入运行,炉子一次过钢成功,现已顺利运行半年以上,并已超过原设计目标产量。
This paper gives the mathematical models of the analysis of heat exchanger networks. Input and output temperatures of the streams of heat exchangers in heat networks are Solved to make the heat recovery maximum with the Linear programming. 给出了换热网络分析的数学模型,用线性规划方法求解换热网络中各换热器物流进出口温度,使热回收量达到最大。
Based on the thermal equation and model output data, the variation mechanism of SST and heat budget are investigated in the tropical Indian Ocean; 基于热力学方程和海洋环流模式输出结果,探讨了热带印度洋SST和北印度洋热量收支的季节和年际变化机制,进一步揭示了海洋动力过程在北印度洋热平衡中的重要作用;
The relation between optimal efficiency and power output of a Carnot heat engine which operates subject to irreversible heat transfer is derived. 本文导出卡诺热机工作于不可逆传热的情况下,最佳效率与输出功率间的关系。
Relationship between the Optimum Efficiency and Output Power of a Kind of Irreversible Carnot Heat Engine 一类不可逆卡诺热机最佳效率和功率间的关系
Based on the output model data of Wavefront OBJ file, combined heat transfer model and infrared sensor model, infrared images based on 3D model with high details for the use of recognition algorithm are generated. 基于商用动画和效果软件Maya输出的WavefrontOBJ文件造型数据,结合仿真对象的热传递模型和红外传感器模型,高细节地实现了基于3D模型的双色红外图像仿真。
The problem of reasonable coordination of heat supply distribution along furnace length and furnace output of a continuous flame furnace with multiple-point heat supply has been investigated. 以一座多点供热连续式火焰加热炉的模型为对象,以节约烯料为目标,研究供热量在炉长方向上的分配与产量之间的配合问题。
According to the thermal power-time curves of T4E system in resting medium MM, the heat output power and the amount of heat of single cell could be calculated. 根据T4E系统在静息培养基MM中的热谱曲线,可将发热功率和发热量准确计算到单细胞水平;
The relation between optimal efficiency and power output of an endor-eversible cycle with a finite high-temperature heat reservoir and an infinite low-temperature heat reservoir, and with irreversibility being the only heat conduction is derived. 本文导出工作在有限高温热源和无限低温热源间,仅受传热不可逆影响的内可逆循环的最佳效率与输出功率间的关系。
The Maximum Power Output of Heat Engines Operat-ing between Arbitrary Heat Reservoirs 工作在任意热源间热机的最大输出功率
Condensing steam turbine is rebuilt into extraction heat supply turbine through the retrofitting of the casing and steam path, so as to have capacity to supply extraction steam without impact of inner efficiency and power output, and meet the requirements of heat users. 通过汽轮机汽缸和通流部分改造,将纯凝汽式汽轮机改造成为抽汽供热式汽轮机,使机组在不影响内效率和出力的前提下,具备一定的抽汽能力,满足用户热负荷的需求。
With the improvement of the output power of the diode laser arrays, heat effect has become one of the key technologies which have restricted the development of high power density DL. 随着激光二极管(DL)列阵输出功率的提高,热效应成为制约高功率DL发展的关键技术之一。
With a CMC-80 single-board microcomputer, a pseudo random binary sequence ( PRBS) used as the test signal is produced and the output data of the heat exchanger excited by PRBS are acquired. 首先用CMC-80单板机产生伪随机二位式序列(PRBS),作为辨识实验的测试信号,同时采集换热器在PRBS作用下的输出响应数据。
With the experimentally cognized dynamic behavior, the state and the output equations of the multi-flow heat exchanger are deduced and its optimizing control process is further being simulated by means of the dynamic programming method. 利用实验所得的动态特性,导出了多股流换热器的状态方程和输出方程,并用动态规划方法对其自动最优控制过程进行了模拟。
The effects of some porous medium parameters on the heat output of Downhole Coaxial Heat Exchangers were carried out. 得到了有关多孔介质层物性参数对井下换热器热输出影响的规律。
The output signal of infrared sensor under the heat source is measured through the simulation and experiment. 利用仿真和实验,测得了红外传感器在热源下的输出信号。
The analytic expressions of power output and efficiency of generalized Diesel heat engine are derived. 导出了Diesel热机更一般的输出功率和效率的解析表达式。
The treatment efficiency of incinerator was improved and the temperature of incinerator furnace was continuously higher during the combustion process. By the newly established MSW source-classified collection and incineration system, the net enery output of the waste heat boiler increased significantly. 新型的垃圾分类收运与焚烧处理综合技术体系下,垃圾焚烧炉的处理效率显著提高,在降低助燃系统能耗的同时可显著提升垃圾焚烧过程炉膛温度。